Policies for Using CCOM™ and CCP™ Marks and Graphic Files Download Area

The CCOM™ and CCP™ Mark are a powerful marketing tool available to individuals as they build industry confidence in their skills and professionalism. CCOM™ and CCP™ third-party certification includes use of this mark as long as the individual continues to conform to specific certification standards. CCOM™ , CCP™, and their Mark(s) are registered trademarks of the Certification Commission of the US Composting Council. No organization or person shall apply or use a mark in connection with an individual or their employer, or represent in any way that the individual has achieved the CCOM™ or CCP™ credential, until receipt of written authorization by the Certification Commission.

The Certification Commission grants permission to those who have earned the CCOM™ and CCP™ credential the honor and advantage of using the CCOM™ or CCP™ Marks as a complement to the individual’s identity. Along with that permission, the Commission provides these written guidelines and their ongoing advice on proper use and display of the CCOM™ or CCP™ Marks.

Please download and review the complete Policies for Using the CCOM™ and CCP™ Marks, found here. There are a number of usage policies you must review and understand before moving forward with using the marks. We are happy to answer any questions you may have about usage by emailing us at administrator@CertificationsUSCC.org.


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